Heartbreak in Monthly Finals

Pale Fox Esports’ debut BSC Monthly Final ended in heartbreak after a 1-3 defeat to Team Ogurchiki in the quarter-finals, but plenty of positives are being taken from the adventure.

The team had qualified for their first major event of the season in spectacular fashion earlier in the month, knocking out Reply Totem – Europe’s reigning champions – along the way in a dramatic final-round win-and-in match. That gave the team two weeks to prepare for the biggest weekend in Pale Fox Esports’ history, backed by vocal support online.

Team Ogurchiki are one of Europe’s in-form teams at the moment and facing up against them in the quarter-finals was always going to be a tough test. However, the team put in a solid performance, taking a fully deserved 1-0 lead in the opening set of the match with the smallest of winning margins in a best of three Heist. But it was Team Ogurchiki who swept back with three set wins in a row to ultimately take victory and progress in the tournament.

The full results of the BSC June event were:
MQ Round 1 UB – 2-0 v 7EC
MQ Round 2 UB – 2-0 v Ringo Flame
MQ Round 3 UB – 2-0 v Good Flare
MQ Round 4 UB – 2-0 v EZ Esports
MQ Round 5 UB – 2-0 v Nerf Pocho
MQ Round 6 UB – 2-0 v Pimpon Lovers
MQ Round 7 UB – 2-0 v GPL Monkey
MQ Round 8 UB – 0-2 v HMBLE
MQ Round 14 LB – 2-0 Paradis Esport
MQ Round 15 LB – 2-0 v F/A Resurgent
MQ Round 16 LB – 2-1 v Reply Totem
BSC Finals: QF – 1-3 v Team Ogurchiki

Speaking about the team’s performance in the Monthly Finals, Pale Fox Esports’ roster manager, Soufi said: “We played our first monthly finals and it was quite amazing – we had nothing to lose [and everything] to win. We prepared for this by scrimming the best teams in the scene and analyzing picks, maps, bans, and everything there is to be as ready as possible.

“[In the quarter finals], we had to face probably one of the hardest teams there is, but the players gave their best like always. We knew it would be hard but we are happy and proud of the result. Honestly, I think we all know what this roster is capable of and this was only the start of a much longer story. It’s a matter of time before you will see these players up there always.

“The best part, at least for me, was seeing all the support that we had on Twitch, Twitter and other social media… it was amazing seeing all the people cheering for us. For next month we want to replicate the same as what we did this month. It will be harder than ever, with the WF and LCQ spots being decided on this last month and all the teams will want to give their best performance to get the best result, but we’ll give our best as well and we’ll see how it goes.”