Pale Fox Cup Details Revealed

Details of the very first edition of The Pale Fox Cup have been released, with the tournament set to make its debut on December 29th 2023.

The Pale Fox Cup will welcome teams from across the EMEA region who will compete in a 3v3 double elimination style competition with the two finalists claiming a share of the prize pool. First place will earn 75% of the prize money with the runner’s up claiming the remainder of the pot.

More information about The Pale Fox Cup, and the team sign-up form can be found on the event’s Matcherino page. Meanwhile, tournament support is available via the #pale-fox-cup channel of the team’s Discord server.

Speaking about the launch of the tournament, Pale Fox Esports’ Dragonfly said: “We’ve been planning this for a little while, and we’ve put quite a lot of work in behind the scenes. We’ve been watching everyone else’s tournaments and events and looking at how they do things – we’re trying to make sure we run something that’s going to be good and worthwhile for everyone.

“The bigger goal for us, after running a few of these one-off tournaments, is to expand into running a bigger tournament series, but we’re going to go slowly and make sure we learn and improve things event by event before we rush into that. With a tournament so close to the end of the year, we thought it would be a nice way to bring 2023 to a close… so hopefully things go well!”