Qualifier Heartbreak for PFE

Pale Fox Esports’ roster came within one qualifier match of making the last Monthly Final of the BSC season but slipped to a heartbreaking defeat against SK Gaming. The defeat means that Pale Fox Esports’ debut season in competitive play sees them end in 15th place in Europe – a solid ranking for a new team.

Day one of the two-day Monthly Qualifier saw the team start with a bye-round win, but then win three matches in a row with a 2-0 scoreline, before then winning a fourth match 2-1. Turtles, JustRush, Techno FW, and F/A Sweets were all beaten as Pale Fox Esports eyed a spot in the later stages of the tournament.

The sixth round of the tournament saw the team facing up against F/A Medebu, a roster that had former PFE player Buzko playing for them. Though Pale Fox Esports slipped to a 1-2 defeat, their performance across the day was enough to ensure they progressed to the final day via the loser’s bracket.

The good form showed on day one continued into the second day, with back-to-back 2-0 wins secured against F/A Instinct and Relax. Those wins put Pale Fox Esports into a win-and-in match against SK Gaming with the winner taking a spot in the Monthly Final. SK Gaming are one of the most well-known and best-performing European organisations, and so the team knew they were in for a tough match, and that’s exactly what transpired – a 0-2 defeat.

Speaking about the final event of the season, and the team’s performance, Pale Fox Esports’ Dragonfly said: “I’m really proud of the team, I thought they were excellent over the weekend. We had our knocks in the run-up to the event with Buzko jumping ship, but fair play to the guys for coming together and putting in the best result we’ve had.

“Maybe we surprised a few people by getting so close to making that Final, but GGs to SK Gaming as they beat us well and deserved the victory. I’d like to see them go on and win it all now!

“I think it was a really solid way to end the season and gives us a lot of things to look forward to building on in the off-season. This event might bring to an end the BSC campaign for us, but there’s still plenty going on between now and next season. We’re looking to keep our roster on as well, but that’s something we’ll be getting sorted over the coming days and weeks.”